Monday 19 December 2011

Cbeebies Winter

Say hello to Josh, his sister and their friends the ducks. Keep an eye out for them on Cbeebies in the recent Winter ident I did for them. Will post the video soon!

Thursday 15 December 2011

Little Dudes

Little Dudes, a blog for things to do in South Manchester for babies and toddlers, has done a piece on the Autumn animation I did for Cbeebies. Read it here

Friday 9 December 2011

Autumn Watch

The above image is taken from the recent Cbeebies ident I worked on called 'Autumn'. Watch it here

Monday 5 December 2011

Hey Little Cupcake!

Here's a sneaky peak at my winning window design for Hey Little Cupcake! and Spinningfields in Manchester. It's currently winging it's way to the printers, so when it's up on the window I'll post a few pics of the final image. Until then keep your eyes peeled, and maybe treat yourself to a delicious cupcake whilst you're there!

Thursday 1 December 2011

DFF for Young

I recently worked on this film for Young through Kilogramme. The image above is taken from the section I did of the piece. It's a charming pop-up book world and as always with Young, it's a beautifully designed piece and was a joy to work on.

Thursday 24 November 2011


A scarf is becoming mandatory at the moment. Even for bears. Sadly this fella didn't make it into a recent project, but at least he's toasty warm. Due to the tiny scarf obviously, not his massive fur coat.

Friday 28 October 2011

Happy ever after

I animated this piece for the lovely people over at Young. It was a really tight turn around, but fun to work with such great designs. Watch it on vimeo here.

Tuesday 25 October 2011

Hello Autumn

Some concept work for a Cbeebies Autumn ident. Will post the final animation soon, as I've heard a lovely rumour Cbeebies are starting to show it this week!

Friday 29 July 2011

Hey Cow

Concept work I'm doing at the moment. It's for a short film so will post more soon.

Wednesday 6 July 2011

Jump around

I did this little piece for the E4 E-sting competition.

Friday 1 July 2011


Crikey it's been a while apologies!! We'll skip over that and my lack of blogging and get straight on with the juicy bits...

The above is an image from the recent film I've completed with Kilogramme. It was made for a project called Sharp Futures. The aim of Sharp Futures is to encourage schoolchildren from underprivileged areas of Manchester to consider a career in the creative sector. Three schools were shortlisted to have their storyboard for a film about the environment animated. It was a close competition with all three schools producing some excellent ideas, but the winning pitch was decided as MCMA Boys school. I've been working with the students since the end of last year and did the majority of the work on the film's direction, animation and design. David Ridges animated Sharpie's pipe travelling scene with Jon Turner lending his 3D max skills to the project as a whole.

The majority of the content of the film were decided on by the students and they got a brilliant reception at it's premiere on Wednesday night! Plus it involved me animating a lot of penguins, which is surely a bonus in anyone's opinion?! Particularly when one wears a tie.

Hope you like it!