Crikey it's been a while apologies!! We'll skip over that and my lack of blogging and get straight on with the juicy bits...
The above is an image from the recent
film I've completed with Kilogramme. It was made for a project called Sharp Futures. The aim of Sharp Futures is to encourage schoolchildren from underprivileged areas of Manchester to consider a career in the creative sector. Three schools were shortlisted to have their storyboard for a film about the environment animated. It was a close competition with all three schools producing some excellent ideas, but the winning pitch was decided as MCMA Boys school. I've been working with the students since the end of last year and did the majority of the work on the film's direction, animation and design. David Ridges animated Sharpie's pipe travelling scene with Jon Turner lending his 3D max skills to the project as a whole.
The majority of the content of the film were decided on by the students and they got a brilliant reception at it's premiere on Wednesday night! Plus it involved me animating a lot of penguins, which is surely a bonus in anyone's opinion?! Particularly when one wears a tie.
Hope you like it!